Selected films for every artist
There is nothing better than the movies. My personal hack for a creative block is to find a comfortable couch and watch a whole bunch of movies back to back. I’ve had a folder on my computer/hard disk since college and have over the years added a whole bunch of amazing movies to it.
Here are some of my favorites! Feel free to binge watch.
1. Frida:
I fell in love with Frida, her work and life somewhere in the second year of college and have been obsessed with her ever since. The movie based on her life is not just a beautiful portrayal of her life but also a feat in cinematic art direction. This movie introduced me to the magnificent work of Julie Taymor and has been a film I watch at least once a year.
Frida 2002
2. Coco before Chanel:
I love stories about inspiring women and Coco before Chanel wins for me. A story of gut and conviction about one of my favorite designers.
Coco before Chanel 2009
3. The Grand Budapest Hotel:
If you haven’t seen one of Wes Anderson’s movies, now is a good time to start. The master of storytelling and visuals, each of his movies is an art piece. I struggled to find my favorite to list here, but this will have to be it, simply because its his first that I ever saw! If you’re contemplating a marathon, watch in this order: Grand Budapest, Royal Tenenbaums, Isle of dogs, Moon-rise Kingdom, Darjeeling Limited and then the rest!
The Grand Budapest Hotel, 2014
4. The Little Prince:
I love the book, infact so much, that I keep one on my desk. A beautiful story told even better. Watch this a hundred times, like the book, you’ll find something new.
The Little Prince, 2015
5. Eames-The architect and painter:
Perhaps, one of the greats of this century, this film is more documentary style and one that gives access to the wonderful minds of Mr and Mrs Eames.
Eames: the Architect and Painter, 2011
6. Basquiat:
My final year paper in college was on Andy Warhol and it was then that I stumbled upon this film. A rags to riches story, the film is every bit as eccentric as him.
Basquiat, 1996
7. Pollock:
You’ll notice I have a whole lot of art films here- I find their stories the most inspiring.
Pollock, 2000
8. Moulin Rouge:
I will always call this a coming of age film, because this was it for me. My first glimpse into Paris, love and theatrical film sets.
Moulin Rouge, 2001
9. Kamasutra:
Not the traditional name on a list such as this. But watch it for the most stunning portrayal of India. The sets and costumes are a work of art.
Kamasutra, A Tale of Love, 1996
10. The September Issue:
I have never been a fashion person, but to see this issue coming live at the processes at Vogue are super interesting. Plus, Anna Wintour.
The September Issue, 2009
Two bonus things to binge watch, they’re not movies, but they are currently on Netflix
11. Abstract:
The most beautiful show ever made. Are you even a designer if you haven’t see this!
12. Self Made:
Cos who doesn’t love a story about a woman finding her way and making herself an empire.
I hope you enjoy watching these! Tell me about your favorites in the comments below.