Devika Narain x Room Therapy
I’ve discovered the most wonderful things happen over the internet. I have followed Room Therapy since their launch a few years ago and this fall they invited me to play around with their beautiful new crockery collection.
If you don’t know what room therapy is, check them out here for the most beautiful collection of furniture and lifestyle products.
Sona (founder and keeper of this beautiful store) curated three beautiful Indian crockery collections in indigo, off white and rose.
I have always felt that the internet doesn’t have enough on styling Indian tables, which is why I used her crockery to style three distinct Indian looks.
I have some very simple table styling rules when it comes to styling Indian tables.
We’ve all seen those beautiful tables on Pinterest with rows of forks and spoons and wondered the purpose for them. Each layer of cutlery corresponds with a course of the meal- so remember to put out only as much as you need. For an Indian meal, we rarely use knives, so keep out spoons and forks only for the main course and dessert.
The greatest restriction at a wedding or home is the crockery. Most of us have an option of only a few colors which is why I love pairing them differently each time I use them. I own some basics and layer them differently to create different tablescapes.
Personal Details
I love adding personal details like menus, name tags and keepsakes for each setting. Its something my guests have always loved and it’s the easiest way to set your table apart.
I’d love to know how you style your tables and what you think of mine. Don’t forget to tag me at #designwithdevika
With Sakhi Pol and Richa Kashelkar